Monday, January 12, 2015

Post # 12 Video #3 Principles of Design

Define principles of design?
Guidelines for using elements of design
Balance, Emphasis, Rhythm, Unity, Movement, Harmony, Proportion

What do the principles of design affect?
How effectively the elements of design are used in a design

What is the difference between the principles of design and C.R.A.P.? How can contrast help a design?
The difference between the principles of design and C.R.A.P. is that of the principles, C.R.A.P. uses Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.
Contrast helps create a focal point for viewers.

What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?
If there is too much or too little contrast, the viewer will have no sense of direction and not know where to look at/focus on.

What is key to working with contrast?
Making sure your pieces are easily visible

What are some common ways of creating contrast?
Using negative space

What is the principle of repetition?
Repeating things over and over again

Describe the ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition?
Ties the design together and makes it a cohesive piece

What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs?
Repeat shapes and colors, though leave one in a different color to create a focal point

What should you avoid when working with repetition?
Excessive repetition

What is the principle of alignment?
Nothing should be placed on the page arbitrarily

What is the principle of proximity?
Grouping similar items

What is the principle of proportion?
Relative size and scale of the elements of design

Define symmetrical balance?
Having equal "weight" on both sides of a design

What is another name for asymmetrical balance?
Informal Balance

Define asymmetrical balance?
The placement of objects in a way that will allow objects of varying weight to balance out in the design

What is a focal point and how is it created?
The center of interest or activity
Contrast, Isolation, or Convergence

How many components of a composition can be a focal point?
Up to 3

What ways can emphasis be created in a design?
Using contrast or proportion

What is the principle of harmony and how is it different from unity?
Harmony brings together similar units, where unity is created by a harmonious whole

What is the principle of unity? What three ways can unity be obtained?
The coherence of the whole
Pattern, Consistency, Variety

What is the principle of variety?
To create a difference in the design

What three ways can a designer add variety to a design?
Change colors, alignment, or shapes

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